Lost Alpha Wiki

The Scientific medkitis a medical item appearing in all S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha.

Medical set designed for the Zone. The set includes means of healing wounds as well as means of eliminating radionucleodes from the body. Prevents the development of radiowave sickness and lowers the dose of accumulated radiation.
- Inventory description


v1.30013 - 1.4005:
  • A rather rare, yellow improved medkit which focuses more on alleviating toxicity effects and health promotion rather than on combat specific debilities.
  • Relieves a small amount of radiation poisoning.
  • Becomes more useful with the added endurance boost.
  • Becomes more inconvenient to use.


The v1.4007 code is as follows:
eat_health                      = 0.75
eat_satiety                     = 0
eat_power                       = 0.0
eat_radiation                   = -0.7
wounds_heal_perc                = 0.3
eat_max_power                   = 0.1

effects_list                    = health_restore, bleeding_restore, antirad_restore

health_restore_affected_stat    = 1
health_restore_rate             = 0.05
health_restore_dur              = 22.0

bleeding_restore_affected_stat  = 2
bleeding_restore_rate           = 0.04
bleeding_restore_dur            = 20.0

antirad_restore_affected_stat   = 3
antirad_restore_rate            = -0.04
antirad_restore_dur             = 30.0
  • In keeping with the adoption of CoP-type behaviour.
  • Indicating that the different parameter effects have varying onset, duration and benefits for the player.


  • A very small portion of the Zone's population will have these on them for trade, making it advisable to retain these items for later use.
  • A stock item available from more scientifically oriented Traders.
  • Discovered in no Safes, a few Stashes and occasionally as Item Placements.


v1.30013 - 1.4005:
  • Field health restore.
  • Field health restore.
  • (Note that usage will stop the player sprinting, holster any drawn firearm and that this status will apply during the specified "item_use_time")


  • Obviously Scientific medkits are useful, during any stage of the game.
  • Various preventative measures become more available (improved Armour, health-restoring upgrades, Artifacts worn, or better offensive capabilities)
  • Standard key-bindings for the game specify a "Use Medkit" placeholder.
  • This will utilize a suitable medkit dependent upon the player's health status. If the player wishes to retain rarer medkits for later in the game - they should be suitably stashed for safekeeping.

